⚒️Imagine... Inclusive Workforce Growth Post-Pandemic⚒️
π‘ Imagined Endstate:
A future where immigrant employment thrives, contributing to robust economic recovery and diversity in the workforce.
π Link:
π Source:
Garcia Luna, E. (2024, October 16). How has immigrant employment changed since the pandemic? Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.
π₯ What’s the Big Deal:
The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted the U.S. labor market, with foreign-born workers constituting about 25% of the 24 million job lossesπ. Remarkably, immigrant employment rebounded to pre-pandemic levels within 18 months, outpacing native-born workersπ·♂️. From January 2020 to July 2024, foreign-born employment grew nearly 15% nationally, adding approximately 4 million workers. In the Ninth District states, this growth variedπ:
- Montana: 88% increase in foreign-born employment, though contributing minimally to overall growth due to a smaller immigrant population.
- North Dakota: Significant growth, with immigrants accounting for nearly half of the state's employment increase.
- Wisconsin: 24% rise in immigrant workers, comprising over half of the state's employment growth.
Notably, health-care support occupations saw the largest influx of immigrant workersπ₯, addressing critical labor shortages in the sector. This trend underscores the essential role of immigrants in bolstering the labor force and aiding economic recoveryπ.
#ImmigrantEmployment, #EconomicRecovery, #WorkforceDiversity, #LaborMarketTrends, #HealthcareSupport, #InclusiveGrowth, #PostPandemic, #CBED,#RICEWEBB, #IMSPARK,