Showing posts with label #CBED. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #CBED. Show all posts

Saturday, November 23, 2024

⚒️IMSPARK: Inclusive Workforce Growth Post-Pandemic⚒️

⚒️Imagine... Inclusive Workforce Growth Post-Pandemic⚒️

πŸ’‘ Imagined Endstate

A future where immigrant employment thrives, contributing to robust economic recovery and diversity in the workforce.

πŸ”— Link

How has immigrant employment changed since the pandemic?

πŸ“š Source

Garcia Luna, E. (2024, October 16). How has immigrant employment changed since the pandemic? Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.

πŸ’₯ What’s the Big Deal

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted the U.S. labor market, with foreign-born workers constituting about 25% of the 24 million job lossesπŸ“ˆ. Remarkably, immigrant employment rebounded to pre-pandemic levels within 18 months, outpacing native-born workersπŸ‘·‍♂️. From January 2020 to July 2024, foreign-born employment grew nearly 15% nationally, adding approximately 4 million workers. In the Ninth District states, this growth variedπŸ“Š:

        • Montana: 88% increase in foreign-born employment, though contributing minimally to overall growth due to a smaller immigrant population.
        • North Dakota: Significant growth, with immigrants accounting for nearly half of the state's employment increase.
        • Wisconsin: 24% rise in immigrant workers, comprising over half of the state's employment growth.

Notably, health-care support occupations saw the largest influx of immigrant workersπŸ₯, addressing critical labor shortages in the sector. This trend underscores the essential role of immigrants in bolstering the labor force and aiding economic recovery🌍.

#ImmigrantEmployment, #EconomicRecovery, #WorkforceDiversity, #LaborMarketTrends, #HealthcareSupport, #InclusiveGrowth, #PostPandemic, #CBED,#RICEWEBB, #IMSPARK,

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

πŸ“ŠIMSPARK: Charting the Pacific’s Future with SF-MSTπŸ“Š

πŸ“ŠImagine...Charting the Pacific’s Future with SF-MSTπŸ“Š

πŸ’‘ Imagined Endstate: 

A Pacific where sustainable tourism is the cornerstone of economic growth, environmental stewardship, and cultural preservation.

πŸ”— Link: 

πŸ“š Source: 

United Nations World Tourism Organization. (2024). Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism. Retrieved from UNWTO

πŸ’₯ What’s the Big Deal: 

The Pacific region, with its pristine beaches and rich cultural heritage, stands at the forefront of sustainable tourism🌴. The Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (SF-MST) is a game-changer for this vast oceanic expanse🌏. Endorsed by the United Nations Statistical Commission, the SF-MST provides a structured approach to gauge tourism’s economic, social, and environmental impacts. 

For the Pacific, this means a strategic tool to balance tourism growth with ecological preservation and social well-being🌞. The framework’s implementation could transform the Pacific islands into global leaders in sustainable tourism, showcasing how economies can thrive without compromising their natural assets or the well-being of their communities🐠.

 It’s a significant stride towards a future where tourism not only respects the delicate balance of Pacific ecosystems but also contributes to the prosperity of its people🌱. By adopting SF-MST, Pacific communities can ensure that tourism development is a tide that lifts all boats, fostering a resilient economy that harmonizes with nature and nurtures local cultures🀝.

#ECTM, #ExperientialCulturalTourismModel, #CulturalTourism, #CBED, #CulturalPreservation, #SF-MST, #Statistical Framework, #UNTourism, #UNTWO, #IMSPARK,

Thursday, March 21, 2024

πŸ‘£IMSPARK: community-led initiatives transforming sustainable development and cultural preservationπŸ‘£

 πŸ‘£Imagine... community-led initiatives transforming sustainable development and cultural preservationπŸ‘£

Imagined Endstate: 

A thriving Pacific region where local communities lead the way in environmental conservation, economic resilience, and cultural enrichment, setting a global example for sustainable living and inclusive growth.



Cosa, M. (2023). Alternative walking tours by formerly homeless. Reason to be cheerful

What’s the Big Deal: 

Community-driven projects in the Pacific have the potential to create a significant impact, not just locally but globally.🌏 By empowering those who were once marginalized, such as the formerly homeless, to lead walking tours, we tap into a wealth of untapped knowledge and perspective.🎨These initiatives not only provide employment and a sense of purpose for individuals but also offer a unique insight into the cities and cultures of the Pacific🌊.

The aim is to break away from traditional tourism models, encourage diversity and inclusivity, and establish a stronger bond between tourists and the local community. This approach can be a catalyst for change, inspiring similar programs across the Pacific that leverage local expertise and narratives to drive social and economic development πŸ’Όwhile preserving the region's rich cultural heritage. Such transformative experiences can reshape perceptions, encourage responsible tourism, and contribute to a more equitable and sustainable future for all.

 #PacificPride #CommunityLead #SustainableTourism #CulturalInsight #Empowerment #InclusiveGrowth #InnovativeSolutions

Saturday, September 30, 2023

🌐 IMSPARK: Advancing Pacific Economic Growth and Inclusion 🌐


🌐 Imagine Prosperity: Advancing Pacific Economic Growth and Inclusion 🌐

πŸ’‘ Imagined Endstate:

Imagine a future where the Pacific region elevates living standards for all its inhabitants, guided by sustainability principles. 🌊 A Pacific where every individual is empowered to meet their essential needs, fostering inclusive prosperity.


πŸ“š Source:

Madgavkar, Et al., (2023, August 25). From Poverty to Empowerment: Raising the Bar for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth.

πŸ”— Link:

McKinsey Global Institute

πŸ’₯ What's the Big Deal:

In the vast expanse of the Pacific, transformation is brewing. McKinsey Global Institute's research report, "From Poverty to Empowerment: Raising the Bar for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth," explores a journey envisioning shared prosperity that could impact Pacific island nations. 🌏 This research delves into the intricate relationship between economic growth, inclusion, and sustainability in the Pacific. πŸ’° It challenges us to imagine a Pacific where every individual can meet essential needs and embark on a journey towards empowerment. πŸ›£️ By 2030, this roadmap envisions a Pacific where empowerment and sustainability go hand in hand, shaping the next generation's destiny. 🌱 The research quantifies the empowerment gap and the net-zero investment gap, exploring scenarios to bridge them.

#EconomicDevelopment,,#CBED,#Inclusion,#PacificIslands,#net-zero,#IMSPARK, #McKinseyGlobalInstitute,

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

🏒 IMSPARK: Empowering Pacific Nations via Carbon Credit Trading 🏒


🏒 Imagine Empowering Pacific Nations via Carbon Credit Trading 🏒

                                                                                                                  (Visual Capitalist)

πŸ’‘ Imagined Endstate:

Imagine Pacific Island nations trading carbon tax credits, bolstered by international agreements and robust domestic policies, πŸ“œ to fund sustainable development and combat climate change.

πŸ“š Source:

Visual Capitalist. (2023, August 7). Mapped: Carbon Pricing Initiatives Around the World.

πŸ”— Link:

Mapped: Carbon Pricing Initiatives Around the World

πŸ’₯ What's the Big Deal:


In the envisioned scenario, Pacific nations 🌊 use carbon credit trading to combat climate change πŸ” and boost economic growth and resilience. 🧬 Through international agreements and sound policies, they access the carbon market πŸͺ to fund sustainable projects, protect ecosystems, and secure their citizens' future. πŸ«‚. This table provides a concise overview of these considerations, vital for their sustainable development and climate action. 🌏

Sunday, September 24, 2023

🌟 IMSPARK: Imagine Pacific Information Sparks! 🌟 (VIDEO)

🌟 IMSPARK: Imagine Pacific Information Sparks! 🌟

In this episode, we explore an exciting concept - Empowering Pacific Communities through Community-Based Economic Development (CBED). 🌱 πŸ’‘ Imagined Endstate:
Envision the Pacific Islands as thriving hubs of economic resilience and sustainability, where vibrant local businesses 🏒, empowered communities πŸ‘₯, and thriving ecosystems 🌿 create a prosperous and resilient Pacific region.


Community-Based Economic Development (CBED) is a powerful strategy that harnesses the strengths of Pacific Island communities, encouraging them to develop their unique concepts of sustainability and resilience.


Learn more about these transformative initiatives from the Pacific Islands Development Forum (PIDF) 🌏 and their partners. Explore how forward-thinking strategies are shaping the future of the Pacific.
πŸ’₯ What's the Big Deal:

Discover how PIDF, in collaboration with the Global Island Partnership (GLISPA) 🌏, is launching the Island Resilience Initiative (IRI) in Pacific Island nations like Palau, Marshall Islands, and Fiji πŸš€.
Two Island Resilience Initiatives (IRIs) have been developed:

IRI 1.0 focuses on strengthening collaborative partnerships for system-level change πŸ’ͺ and initiating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework for local implementation by 2030.

IRI 2.0 launches a new project pipeline to catalyze investments in integrated infrastructure πŸ—️, supporting public-private civic partnerships.
This collective effort aligns with regional development frameworks and international agreements, fostering resilience, sustainability, and economic prosperity in the Pacific.
Join us on this inspiring journey into Community-Based Economic Development and see how every small step towards sustainability and resilience makes a big difference.
Don't forget to like πŸ‘, subscribe πŸ“Ί, and explore more episodes of IMSPARK and other exciting content on our blog at the Imagine Pacific Pulse – Impulse. 🌐

Saturday, September 23, 2023

🏞️IMSPARK: Pacific Renaissance: Transforming Communities with CBED 🏞️

 πŸž️Imagine a Pacific Renaissance: Transforming Communities with CBED 🏞️

πŸ’‘ Imagined Endstate:

Imagine picturesque communities across the Pacific, much like Macon Georgia's inspiring journey, reinvigorated through the principles of Community-Based Economic Development (CBED). πŸŒ…These towns emerge as vibrant hubs of commerce, culture, and community engagement, igniting hope and prosperity throughout the region.

πŸ“š Source:

Darby, B. (2023). Towns Resurrected. Georgia Trend, 38(12), 28–35.

πŸ”— Link:

πŸ’₯ What's the Big Deal:

A Pacific Renaissance 🏝️ would not only highlight the transformation of these Pacific communities but also emphasizes the profound impact of Community-Based Economic Development (CBED). πŸ“– By nurturing local businesses, preserving cultural heritage, and fostering community bonds, these towns and communities have not just flourished economically πŸ“ˆ but have also become beacons of resilience and inspiration. A Pacific Renaissance could serves as a guiding light, 🌟 illuminating the path for other regions seeking similar revitalization and celebrating the spirit of unity and progress. πŸ’ͺ


Thursday, September 21, 2023

🌱IMSPARK: Empowering Pacific Communities through Community-Based Economic Development (CBED) 🌱


🌱Imagine... Empowering Pacific Communities through Community-Based Economic Development (CBED) 🌱

πŸ’‘ Imagined Endstate:

Imagine Pacific Island nations 🏝️ fostering resilient and sustainable economies by investing in Community-Based Economic Development (CBED). Picture vibrant local businesses 🏒, empowered communities πŸ‘₯, and thriving ecosystems 🌿, all contributing to a prosperous and resilient Pacific region.

πŸ”— Link :

Learn more about CBED in the Pacific

πŸ“š Source:

Pacific Islands Development Forum. (N.D).

πŸ’₯ What's the Big Deal:

The Pacific Islands Development Forum (PIDF) collaborates with the Global Island Partnership (GLISPA) to establish the Island Resilience Initiative (IRI) in Pacific Island nations like Palau, Marshall Islands, and Fiji. 🌟This initiative empowers local public-private civic partnerships to drive the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and global agreements.

IRI 1.0 focuses on strengthening collaborative partnerships for system-level change πŸ’ͺ and initiating the SDG framework for local implementation by 2030.

IRI 2.0 launches a project pipeline to catalyze investments in integrated infrastructure, supporting public-private civic partnerships. 🎯 It also establishes a peer-learning network coordinated by the Global Island Partnership and Hawai‘i Green Growth.

Successful stakeholder consultations in 2018 resulted in action plans for SDG implementation, πŸ“† frameworks for coordination, and prioritization of SDGs based on national needs. πŸ’Ό The Initiative aligns with regional development frameworks and international agreements, fostering resilience, sustainability, and economic prosperity in the Pacific.


Wednesday, September 20, 2023

🏒 IMSPARK: Communities Making Banks Accountable for Equitable Lending in the Pacific 🏒

 πŸ’ Imagine... Communities Making Banks Accountable for Equitable Lending in the Pacific πŸ’

πŸ’‘Imagined Endstate:

Picture a Pacific where communities wield the power to ensure fair and accessible lending practices utilizing tools like the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Performance Ratings.


1.      FDIC (n.d.). Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Ratings Search.

2.      Federal Reserve Board, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, & Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. (2022, May). Community Reinvestment Act Proposal Fact Sheet.




πŸ’₯What's the Big Deal:

The charge of the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) is to drive transformative change, empowering underserved communities, often predominantly of color, lacking access to financial services. The CRA requires banks to reinvest in these communities, but its impact is broader through Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs). These mission-driven entities bridge capital gaps for businesses in low-income regions, offering tailored financial support. πŸŒ CDFIs could serve as beacons of hope in the Pacific, fostering economic viability where traditional banks may be absent. πŸ’Ό This approach narrows economic disparities and empowers communities, driving growth rooted in community-based economic development. The synergy of the CRA and CDFIs envisions a Pacific where enterprises could thrive and at the same time bolster economic stability and social justice with their investment.πŸš€By leveraging the CRA and embracing CDFIs, the Pacific could reshape its economic landscape, creating opportunities, bolstering businesses, and revitalizing communities.

#EquitableLending, #EmpoweringCommunities, #CRA, #CDFI, #CBED,#Economics

🌍 IMSPARK: Hospitals at the Forefront of Climate Resilience 🌍

  🌍 Imagine... Hospitals at the Forefront of Climate Resilience   🌍 πŸ’‘ Imagined Endstate : A future where hospitals are fully equipped to...