Thursday, February 29, 2024

🗓️IMSPARK: If you had an extra day in the Pacific🗓️

🗓️Imagine… If you had an extra day in the Pacific🗓️

💡 Imagined Endstate: 

A Pacific region that values and utilizes the gift of time, and encourages its people to pursue their passions, interests, and goals.



Scientific American. (2020). Why do we have a leap year anyway? 

💥 What’s the Big Deal: 

Every four years, we get an extra day on February 29, thanks to the discrepancy between the solar year and the Gregorian calendar. This extra day, also known as leap day, is a rare opportunity to do something different, meaningful, or fun.🎨 In the Pacific region, where time is often measured by the sun, the moon, and the tides, having an extra day can be a chance to appreciate the natural rhythms and cycles of life, 🛌and to reflect on how we spend our time. 🌎Some examples of how Pacific people can use their extra day are:

        • Learn something new, such as a language, a skill, or a hobby.
        • Connect with someone, such as a friend, a family member, or a mentor.
        • Give back to the community, such as volunteering, donating, or mentoring.
        • Explore the region, such as visiting a new place, experiencing a new culture, or discovering a new perspective.
        • Express yourself, such as writing, painting, singing, or dancing.
        • Relax and recharge, such as meditating, reading, sleeping, or playing.
        • Dream and plan, such as setting a goal, making a vision board, or taking action.

#LeapDay, #PacificTime, #IMSPARK, #Learning, #Connection, #Expression,#IMSPARK,

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

🙏IMSPARK: Compassion and Healing for PTSD Survivors and Their Loved Ones 🙏

  🙏Imagine... Compassion and Healing for PTSD Survivors and Loved Ones  🙏

💡 Imagined Endstate: 

Increased awareness and understanding of PTSD, a condition that affects many people who have experienced trauma, such as war, violence, natural disasters, or abuse. 


Ref Here


U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. (2020). Understanding PTSD: A Guide for Family and Friends.

💥 What’s the Big Deal: 

By using the resources and information from the Understanding PTSD Family Booklet, the Pacific region will learn how to recognize the signs and symptoms of PTSD, how to communicate and support someone with PTSD, and how to take care of oneself and one’s family. 🗣️The Pacific region will also access and provide practical and culturally appropriate treatment options for PTSD, such as therapy, medication, and peer support.

PTSD is a serious and common condition that affects millions of people around the world, including many in the Pacific region. PTSD can cause distressing and persistent symptoms, such as nightmares, flashbacks, anger, guilt, and isolation.💢PTSD can also affect the relationships and well-being of family and friends, who may feel confused, frustrated, or helpless. 

Communities have the opportunity and responsibility to support and empower PTSD survivors and their loved ones and to create a more compassionate and healing environment for them.  🌊Communities can benefit from using the Understanding PTSD Family Booklet, which is a helpful and practical guide that covers the essential topics and tips for coping with PTSD.Icons💚 Communities can also seek and offer professional and peer help for PTSD, which can improve the recovery and quality of life of those who suffer from it.

#PTSD, #Community, #MentalHealth, #FamilyAndFriends,#Healthcare,#VeteransCare,#IMSPARK,

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

🏘️ IMSPARK: Smart and Sustainable Zoning🏘️

 🏘️ Imagine... Smart and Sustainable Zoning🏘️

💡 Imagined Endstate: 

Communities will adopt and implement the National Zoning Atlas. This collaborative project aims to digitize, demystify, and democratize information about zoning codes across the U.S. 


Ref Here


National Zoning Atlas. (2024). About the National Zoning Atlas. 

💥 What’s the Big Deal: 

Using the online, interactive map of the National Zoning Atlas, the Pacific region will be able to compare and analyze the zoning regulations of different jurisdictions and identify the best practices and opportunities for improvement. 🧱Communities will also use the National Zoning Atlas to promote intelligent and sustainable zoning, which supports the goals of housing affordability, economic development, environmental protection, and social equity. 

Zoning is a powerful and influential factor that shapes the physical, social, and economic landscape.  🌊Zoning determines what can be built, where, and how, and it significantly impacts the availability and quality of housing, transportation, infrastructure, and public services in a given area.🚗 However, the complexity and lack of transparency of zoning regulations can make it difficult for the public to understand and navigate the system, as it varies widely among thousands of local governments.  🌳The National Zoning Atlas is a groundbreaking initiative that aims to unlock the black box of zoning and make it more transparent, consistent, and accessible. Communities can benefit from using the National Zoning Atlas, as it can help people understand the impacts and implications of zoning and enable them to make informed and confident decisions about land use planning and policy.

#NationalZoningAtlas, #Zoning, #LandUse,#Sustainability,#WealthEquity,#Inclusion,#IMSPARK

Monday, February 26, 2024

💊Imagine... Improved Survival and Quality of Life for Pancreatic Cancer Patients💊

💡 Imagined Endstate

Pacific region will adopt and implement the new first-line treatment option for metastatic pancreatic cancer.


Ref Here


Post, E. (2024, February 13). FDA Approves New First-line Treatment Option for Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer: What You Need to Know. Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.

💥 What’s the Big Deal: 

By  access and affordability to this treatment, the Pacific region will improve the outcomes and well-being of its pancreatic cancer patients, who often face poor prognoses and limited options.🌊Pancreatic cancer is often diagnosed late when it spreads to other organs and is difficult to treat.

 To treat metastatic pancreatic cancer, doctors typically use 2 chemotherapy drugs - gemcitabine and nab-paclitaxel. This treatment approach has shown a median overall survival rate of 9.2 months. The new treatment, NALIRIFOX, is a combination of three chemotherapy drugs, liposomal irinotecan, oxaliplatin, and fluorouracil/leucovorin, which has a median overall survival of 11.1 months.🎗️This is the first new first-line treatment for metastatic pancreatic cancer approved by the FDA in over ten years. The Pacific region has the opportunity and responsibility to make this treatment available and affordable for its pancreatic cancer patients, who deserve a better chance of living longer and better.

#PancreaticCancer, #Pacific, #NewTreatment, #Survival,#QualityofLife,#HealthAccess,#Innovation,#IMSPARK,

Sunday, February 25, 2024

 🧠 Imagine a Future of Thriving and Creative ADHD Minds in the Pacific🧠

💡 Imagined Endstate: 

A Pacific region will embrace and support the neurodiversity of its people, especially those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).


Ref Here


Dodgson, L. (2018, May 18). What everyone gets wrong about ADHD — and how it can be used as a superpower. ScienceAlert. Retrieved from

💥 What’s the Big Deal: 

By providing accessible and affordable diagnosis, treatment, and education for ADHD, the Pacific region will help its people overcome the challenges and stigma associated with the condition and unleash their full potential.📖The Pacific region will also celebrate and harness the strengths and talents of its ADHD minds, such as their curiosity, energy, resilience, and innovation.

ADHD is a common and misunderstood condition that affects millions of people around the world, including many in the Pacific region. 🌊ADHD is often seen as a disorder that causes problems with attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity and interferes with academic, professional, and personal success. 🎨However, ADHD can also be seen as a form of neurodiversity, which means that the brain works differently, not worse, than the norm.🚀People with ADHD have many positive traits that can help them excel in various fields and endeavors, such as arts, sciences, sports, and entrepreneurship. The Pacific region has the opportunity and responsibility to recognize and nurture the neurodiversity of its people and to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for its ADHD community.

#ADHD, #Neurodiversity, #Pacific, #Superpower,#MentalHealth,#IMSPARK,

Saturday, February 24, 2024

⚰️IMSAPRK: Affordable and Meaningful Funerals in the Pacific⚰️

⚰️Imagine...  Affordable and Meaningful Funerals in the Pacific⚰️

💡 Imagined Endstate: 

A Pacific region will adopt the FTC Funeral Rule, which gives consumers the right to choose only the funeral goods and services they want or need, and to compare prices among different funeral providers. 



Federal Trade Commission. (2020). Funeral Costs and Pricing Checklist.

💥 What’s the Big Deal: 

By following the FTC Funeral Pricing Checklist, the Pacific region will reduce the financial burden and stress of planning a funeral, while also respecting the diverse cultural and religious traditions of its people. Funerals are an important part of the Pacific region’s culture, as they honor the deceased and provide comfort and closure for the living.🙏However, funerals can also be very expensive and complicated, especially for low-income and marginalized communities. 💵The FTC Funeral Rule, which is enforced by the Federal Trade Commission in the U.S., aims to protect consumers from unfair and deceptive practices by funeral providers, such as charging for unwanted or unnecessary items, or failing to disclose price information.🌺The FTC Funeral Pricing Checklist is a useful tool that helps consumers plan a funeral that fits their budget and preferences, and avoid paying for services they do not want. The Pacific region can benefit from adopting the FTC Funeral Rule and Checklist, as they can help consumers make informed and confident decisions about funeral arrangements, and ensure that their loved ones receive a dignified and respectful farewell.

#FTC, #Pacific, #FuneralCosts, #ConsumerProtection,#equity, #Death,#IMSPARK,

Friday, February 23, 2024

🗣️IMSPARK: Linguistic Diversity and Harmony in the Pacific🗣️

🗣️Imagine... Linguistic Diversity and Harmony in the Pacific🗣️

💡 Imagined Endstate: 

In the next 3-5 years, the Pacific region will preserve and revitalize its linguistic diversity, which reflects its rich and complex cultural history. 


Ref Here


Dunn, M., Greenhill, S. J., Levinson, S. C., & Gray, R. D. (2008). The evolved structure of language shows lineage-specific trends in word-order universals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105(26), 9081-9086.

💥 What’s the Big Deal: 

By using tools such as digital documentation, language education, and intergenerational transmission, the Pacific region will safeguard its endangered and minority languages while also promoting multilingualism and intercultural dialogue.🌅The Pacific region will also enhance its cooperation and coordination with other areas and organizations, to share its linguistic knowledge and experience, and to contribute to the global understanding of human languages and their evolution.

Linguistic diversity is a treasure for the Pacific region, as it represents the unique and diverse ways that Pacific peoples communicate, think, and express their identity. The Pacific region is home to over 1,200 languages, belonging to three prominent language families: Austronesian, Papuan, and Australian. 🌊These languages have evolved over centuries, influenced by migration, contact, and isolation.  🌏However, linguistic diversity is also threatened in the Pacific region, as many languages are endangered or extinct due to colonization, globalization, and assimilation. 🌺The Pacific region has the opportunity and responsibility to protect and celebrate its linguistic diversity and to use it as a source of strength and unity.

#LinguisticDiversity, #Pacific, #LanguageEvolution, #InterculturalDialogue #Linguistics,#IMSPARK

Thursday, February 22, 2024

🦤 IMSPARK: Healthy and Diverse Migratory Species in the Pacific🦤

 🦤 Imagine... Healthy and Diverse Migratory Species in the Pacific🦤 

💡 Imagined Endstate: 

In the next 3-5 years, the Pacific region will implement effective conservation measures to protect and restore the migratory species that enrich its natural and cultural heritage.


Ref Here


CMS. (2020). State of the World’s Migratory Species. 

💥 What’s the Big Deal: 

 By addressing the main threats, such as habitat loss, overexploitation, climate change, and invasive species, the Pacific region could improve the conservation status of its migratory species, such as whales, dolphins, turtles, sharks, seabirds, and bats.🦇The Pacific region may also enhance its cooperation and coordination with other countries and regions along the migratory routes to ensure the survival and well-being of these species across their entire range.

Migratory species are vital for the Pacific region, providing ecological, economic, and social benefits.🐋They support the functioning of ecosystems, such as pollination, seed dispersal, and nutrient cycling. 🌺They contribute to the livelihoods and well-being of many Pacific islanders, who depend on them for food, income, and tourism.🐢They also have cultural and spiritual significance, as they are part of the Pacific’s identity, history, and traditions. However, migratory species face unprecedented challenges, as they are exposed to multiple and cumulative pressures throughout their journeys. Many migratory species are endangered or vulnerable, and their populations are declining. The Pacific region has the opportunity and responsibility to safeguard its migratory species and to share its knowledge and experience with the rest of the world.

#MigratorySpecies #PacificRegion #Conservation #Cooperation #NaturalHeritage

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

🎚️ IMSPARK: Enhanced Semiconductor Cooperation in the Pacific🎚️

🎚️ Imagine... Enhanced Semiconductor Cooperation in the Pacific🎚️

💡 Imagined Endstate: 

A Pacific region will benefit from the U.S. government’s plan to invest over $5 billion in semiconductor-related research and development, including in the National Semiconductor Technology Center. 


Ref Here


Reuters. (2024, February 9). U.S. announces over $5 billion investments in semiconductor-related research and development. 

💥 What’s the Big Deal: 

By partnering with the U.S. and other Pacific allies, the Pacific region will boost its semiconductor capabilities, competitiveness, and resilience while also advancing its strategic interests and values.🌊Semiconductors are critical for the Pacific region, as they enable innovation and growth in various sectors, such as communication, defense, energy, and health. 

However, the Pacific region also faces challenges, such as the global chip shortage, the rise of China’s semiconductor industry, and the vulnerability of the supply chain. 🇺🇸The U.S. investments in semiconductor-related research and development offer an opportunity for the Pacific region to strengthen its collaboration with the U.S. and other like-minded partners, such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Australia, to address these challenges and seize new opportunities.💯 The Pacific region can leverage its existing strengths, such as its market size, talent pool, and research institutions, to contribute to and benefit from U.S.-led initiatives, such as the National Semiconductor Technology Center, which aims to accelerate innovation and commercialization of new technologies.  🎯The Pacific region can also align its semiconductor policies and standards with the U.S. and other allies to promote a free, fair, and secure semiconductor ecosystem that supports the region’s economic and security interests.

#SemiconductorCooperation #PacificRegion #USInvestments #Innovation #StrategicPartnership

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

x 🧑‍🦽IMSPARK: Empowered and Resilient Workers in the Pacific 🧑‍🦽

  🧑‍🦽Imagine... Empowered and Resilient Workers in the Pacific 🧑‍🦽

💡 Imagined Endstate: 

In the next 3-5 years, the Pacific region will enhance its vocational rehabilitation services to support workers with disabilities who face complex and evolving challenges in the labor market. 


Ref Here


Taylor, J. P., Avellone, L., Wehman, P., & Brooke, V. (2023). The efficacy of competitive integrated employment versus segregated employment for persons with disabilities: A systematic review. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 58(1), 63-78.

💥 What’s the Big Deal: 

By using tools such as pre-employment transition services, personalized healthcare, and digital technologies, 💻vocational rehabilitation services will help workers with disabilities achieve competitive integrated employment, increase their income and independence, and improve their quality of life.🌈Vocational rehabilitation is a vital sector for the Pacific region, as it provides opportunities and support for workers with disabilities, who often face discrimination, marginalization, and poverty. 🏢Vocational rehabilitation can also help workers with disabilities cope with the impacts of domestic risks, such as natural disasters, pandemics, cyberattacks, and social unrest, which can disrupt their employment and well-being. Vocational rehabilitation requires imagination and innovation to address the diverse and dynamic needs of workers with disabilities and to prepare them for the future of work.

#VocationalRehabilitation #WorkersWithDisabilities #PacificRegion #Imagination #FutureOfWork

Monday, February 19, 2024

🌊 IMSPARK: Future of Creative Solutions for Pacific Security🌊

🌊 Imagine... Future of Creative Solutions for Pacific Security🌊 

💡 Imagined Endstate: 

In the next 3-5 years, the Pacific region will foster a culture of Imagination and innovation that deals with complex and evolving challenges threatening its security and stability. Using scenario planning, foresight analysis, and design thinking tools, the Pacific region will generate and test novel ideas and strategies to prevent and respond to domestic risks such as natural disasters, cyberattacks, terrorism, and social unrest.



Thorpe, J. B. (2024, February 7). Needed: More Imagination for Countering Domestic Risks. Domestic Preparedness. 

💥 What’s the Big Deal: 

 Using scenario planning, foresight analysis, and design thinking tools, the Pacific region will generate and test novel ideas and strategies to prevent and respond to domestic risks such as natural disasters, cyberattacks, terrorism, 🥷🏾and social unrest. Imagination is critical for countering domestic risks in the Pacific region, which faces a dynamic and uncertain security environment. 🛡️ Imagination can help anticipate and prepare for emerging threats, identify and exploit opportunities, and create and implement effective solutions.🚀 The Pacific region has the potential to harness its rich and diverse cultural heritage, its vibrant and resilient communities, and its strategic and technological 🖥️ partnerships to enhance its imaginative capacity and achieve a more secure and prosperous future.

#Imagination #PacificSecurity #DomesticRisks #CreativeSolutions #FutureReady

Sunday, February 18, 2024

🌏 IMSPARK: Sustainable and Inclusive UN Tourism in the Pacific🌏

🌏 Imagine... Sustainable and Inclusive UN Tourism in the Pacific🌏

💡 Imagined Endstate: 

A Pacific region will follow the UN tourism guidelines to restart tourism in a way that is safe, seamless, and responsible. 



UNWTO. (2020, May 28). UNWTO launches global guidelines to restart tourism. 

💥 What’s the Big Deal: 

By adopting measures such as health and safety protocols, digital transformation, and stakeholder collaboration, the Pacific region will enhance its tourism competitiveness and resilience, while also contributing to the global goals of sustainable development, climate action, and social justice.⚖️Tourism is a vital sector for the Pacific region, as it provides income, employment, and opportunities for many island communities. 🛫However, tourism has also been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has disrupted travel, reduced demand, and threatened livelihoods. 🌴The UN tourism guidelines offer a roadmap for the Pacific region to rebuild its tourism industry in a way that is not only profitable, but also sustainable and inclusive. 🏗️The guidelines aim to restore confidence among travelers and stakeholders, foster innovation and digitalization, and working toward the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

#UNTourism,#PacificRegion, #SustainableTourism, #InclusiveTourism,#Resilience,#RICEWEBB,#IMSPARK,

Saturday, February 17, 2024

⚕️ IMSPARK: Resilient and Healthy Pacific in the Face of Climate Change⚕️

⚕️ Imagine... Resilient and Healthy Pacific in the Face of Climate Change⚕️

💡 Imagined Endstate: 

In the next 3-5 years, the Pacific region will strengthen its capacity to cope with the health impacts of climate change, such as heat stress, vector-borne diseases, mental health issues, and food insecurity. 



HHS Office of Climate Change and Health Equity. (2024, February). Climate and Health Outlook. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health. 

💥 What’s the Big Deal: 

By implementing adaptation and mitigation strategies, such as early warning systems, disaster preparedness, renewable energy, ⚡️and community engagement, the Pacific region will protect the health and well-being of its people, especially the most vulnerable and marginalized groups. 🌡️Climate change threatens health in the Pacific region, home to diverse cultures, ecosystems, and economies. 

The Pacific region is highly exposed to extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, floods, droughts, rising sea levels, ocean acidification, and coral bleaching.🌊 These hazards can affect the availability and quality of water, food, and air, as well as the spread of infectious diseases and the population’s mental health.🌺The Pacific region also faces health inequities and environmental injustices, as some groups, such as indigenous peoples, low-income communities, and coastal dwellers, are more vulnerable and have less access to health care and social services. 🏥The Pacific region has the opportunity and responsibility to address these challenges and ensure a resilient and healthy future for its people and the planet.

#ClimateChange,#HealthEquity, #Resilience,#DiseaseControl,#FoodSecurity,#IMSPARK,

Friday, February 16, 2024

🎇Imagine... New Era of Physics in the Pacific🎇

🎇Imagine... New Era of Physics in the Pacific🎇

💡 Imagined Endstate: 

The Pacific region will become a hub of scientific discovery and innovation as researchers from various countries collaborate to explore the existence and implications of a new force of nature. 


Ref Here


Ghosh, P. (2023, August 10). Scientists at Fermilab close in on the fifth force of nature. BBC News. 

💥 What’s the Big Deal: 

By using advanced particle accelerators and detectors, such as the ones at Fermilab and the Large Hadron Collider, 🔭they will test the anomalies observed in the behavior of sub-atomic particles called muons, which suggest the presence of an unknown force beyond the four fundamental ones. This could lead to a breakthrough in our understanding of the Universe 🌌and its origins, as well as new applications in technology and engineering.

The discovery of a fifth force of nature would be one of the greatest achievements in physics. 🔬The interactions between all objects and particles in the Universe is a complex and fascinating subject. 🤝It would also open up new possibilities for exploring the mysteries of dark matter, dark energy, gravity, and quantum mechanics. The Pacific region, with its diverse and dynamic scientific community, is well-positioned to contribute to this exciting endeavor and benefit from its outcomes.

#FifthForceOfNature, #ParticlePhysics, #Pacific, #ScientificDiscovery, #NewEra, #Physics,#IMSPARK,   

Thursday, February 15, 2024

🏥 IMSPARK: Personalized Healthcare in the Pacific🏥

 🏥 Imagine... Personalized Healthcare in the Pacific🏥

💡 Imagined Endstate: 

In the next 3-5 years, the Pacific region will embrace the potential of personalized healthcare, a model that tailors diagnosis and treatment to each individual’s unique health profile. 


Ref Here


Telehealth Technology Assessment Center. (2023). What technologies will impact healthcare in the next 3-5 years?

💥 What’s the Big Deal: 

By leveraging digital technologies such as wearable devices, genomics, and telemedicine, personalized healthcare will improve health outcomes, reduce costs, and increase access for the diverse and dispersed populations of the Pacific. 🌊Personalized healthcare is a game-changer for the Pacific region, which faces many challenges, such as aging populations, 🌏chronic diseases, health inequities, and geographic isolation. 🧬Personalized healthcare can help overcome these barriers by providing more effective and efficient care customized to each person’s needs and preferences. 🩺It can also empower patients to take charge of their health and wellness and enable collaboration among various stakeholders in the healthcare system.

#PersonalizedHealthcare, #DigitalHealth,  #Innovation,#HealthAccess,#HealthEquity,#IMSPARK,

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

💵 IMSPARK: Adequate Standard of Living 💵

  💵  Imagine... an adequate standard of living 💵

💡 Imagined Endstate: 

A Pacific where we can earn enough income to cover the costs of necessities such as housing, food, health care, child care, and transportation in different parts of the region, and where we can enjoy a decent quality of life without struggling to make ends meet.


Ref Here


Gould, E., Mokhiber, Z., & deCourcy, K. (2020). What constitutes a living wage?: A guide to using EPI’s Family Budget Calculator. Economic Policy Institute.

💥 What’s the Big Deal:  

The tool known as the Family Budget Calculator is designed to determine the amount of income a family requires to achieve a reasonable and satisfactory quality of life in different parts of the country. 🏠 It estimates the costs of housing, food, health care, child care, and transportation for ten family types in all counties and metro areas in the United States. 🍽️ The calculator provides a more accurate and complete measure of economic security than the federal poverty line or the Supplemental Poverty Measure.📏It can be used by policymakers, advocates, and employers to set meaningful living wage standards for their communities and to design policies and programs that help families meet their needs.🎗️ The calculator also reveals the wide variation in living costs across the Pacific region and the challenges many families face in affording a decent life.

#FamilyBudget, #LivingWage, #Cost, #EPI,#IMSPARK,

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

📖 IMSPARK: Accessible and Inclusive Pacific federal information and communication technology 📖

 📖 Imagine... Accessible and Inclusive Pacific federal information and communication technology 📖 

💡 Imagined Endstate: 

A Pacific where we can access, use, and benefit from the information and communication technology (ICT) provided by the federal government, regardless of our abilities or disabilities, and where we can participate and contribute to the government’s missions and services as employees, contractors, or citizens.


Ref Here


U.S. General Services Administration. (2024). FY 23 Governmentwide Section 508 Assessment Report. 4

💥 What’s the Big Deal: 

Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 provides that the government makes ICT accessible to people with disabilities.  🎧This means that ICT must be operable, perceivable, understandable, and robust for people who use assistive technologies, such as screen readers, magnifiers, or keyboards.  💻Accessible ICT benefits not only people with disabilities but also people with temporary or situational impairments, such as low vision, hearing loss, or limited mobility. 🦽The report provides an overview of the government’s progress and challenges in implementing Section 508, as well as recommendations and best practices for improving accessibility and compliance.⚖️ The report also highlights the importance of accessibility for the Pacific region, where many people face barriers to accessing ICT due to geographic isolation, limited infrastructure, or cultural diversity.

#Section508 #Accessibility #Pacific #ICT #IMSPARK

Monday, February 12, 2024

🏠 IMSPARK: Free test and treatment of COVID-19 and flu at home🏠

🏠 Imagine... Free test and treatment of COVID-19 and flu at home🏠

💡 Imagined Endstate: 

A Pacific where we can access free at-home rapid tests, telehealth sessions, and treatments for COVID-19 and flu without any barriers or costs and where we can prevent severe illness, hospitalization, or death from these viral infections.


Ref Here


U.S. National Institutes of Health. (2023). The home Test to Treat program extends nationwide.

💥 What’s the Big Deal: 

COVID-19 and flu are both contagious respiratory diseases that can cause serious complications and death, especially for older people with underlying health conditions or immunocompromised. 🩺 The Home Test to Treat program is a federal initiative that offers free COVID-19 and flu health services to eligible participants nationwide, including those in the Pacific region. 🛡️The program provides at-home rapid tests, telehealth sessions, and at-home treatments, such as antiviral medications, for those who test positive. 💊 The program aims to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and flu in the community, expedite the time to treatment, and improve the convenience and safety of accessing health services from home.

#HomeTestToTreat #COVID19 #Flu #Pacific #IMSPARK

Sunday, February 11, 2024

🌡️ IMSPARK: Pacific protecting and promoting health and well-being in a changing climate🌡️

 🌡️ Imagine... Pacific protecting and promoting health and 

well-being in a changing climate🌡️ 

💡 Imagined Endstate: 

A Pacific where we reduce the risks and impacts of climate change on our health by enhancing our adaptive capacity, resilience, and preparedness and by supporting mitigation actions that also benefit our health.


Ref Here


USGCRP. (2018). Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States: Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II. 4

💥 What’s the Big Deal: 

Climate change affects the health and well-being of Pacific Islanders. 🌊Changes in the environment can impact our health in various ways, such as by increasing our vulnerability to climate events or by exposing us to infectious diseases that are transmitted through vectors, food, or water.💦 Additionally, alterations in quality and safety can pose health risks, while stressors to our mental health and well-being can also arise. These health effects are projected to worsen with additional climate change and disproportionately affect vulnerable populations, such as children, older adults, low-income communities, and some communities of color. 🏥However, proactive adaptation policies and programs can Take into account the potential risks and effects of climate-sensitive health outcomes and disruptions in healthcare services, which can help minimize their impact. 👍🏽Moreover, accounting for climate change risks in infrastructure planning and urban design can bring about added health benefits. 💚Moreover, reducing greenhouse gas emissions would benefit the health of Pacific Islanders in the near and long term by avoiding thousands of premature deaths and billions of dollars in health-related economic losses each year.

#ClimateHealth #Pacific #Adaptation #Mitigation #IMSPARK

Saturday, February 10, 2024

🩺 IMSPARK: medical equipment accurate and reliable for everyone🩺

 🩺 Imagine... medical equipment  accurate and reliable for everyone🩺 

💡 Imagined Endstate: 

A Pacific where pulse oximeters, devices that measure blood oxygen levels, are designed and tested to account for the diversity of skin pigmentation, race, and ethnicity in our region and where healthcare providers and patients are aware of the potential biases and limitations of these devices.


Ref Here


U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2024). Performance Evaluation of Pulse Oximeters Taking into Consideration Skin Pigmentation, Race and Ethnicity.

💥 What’s the Big Deal: 

Pulse oximeters are widely used in clinical settings and at home to monitor blood oxygen levels, which can indicate severe health conditions such as COVID-19, asthma, or heart failure. 🌈However, several studies have shown that pulse oximeters can be inaccurate and unreliable for people with darker skin pigmentation because they use light to detect blood flow. This can lead to delayed diagnosis, inappropriate treatment, or missed opportunities for intervention.💉 The FDA issued guidance to improve the performance evaluation of pulse oximeters, taking into consideration skin pigmentation, race, and ethnicity. 🙌This document provides recommendations for device manufacturers, researchers, and healthcare professionals on how to design, test, and use pulse oximeters to minimize bias and ensure safety and effectiveness for all patients.

#PulseOximeters, #MedicalEquipment, #HealthEquity, #Pacific, #FDA,#IMSPARK, 


Friday, February 9, 2024

🌏IMSPARK: a Pacific Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by 2030🌏

🌏Imagine... a Pacific Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by 2030🌏

💡 Imagined Endstate: 

A Pacific where we overcome the multiple crises affecting our region, such as the climate crisis, the war in Ukraine, the COVID-19 pandemic, the weak global economy, and the weak global economy. 


Ref here


United Nations. (2023). The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2023: Special Edition. New York, NY: UN DESA.

💥 What’s the Big Deal: 

The SDGs are a universal call to action to transform our world by 2030. They are based on a vision of dignity, equality, justice, and sustainability for all people and the planet.  🕊️However, the report warns that we are not on track to achieve the SDGs and must act urgently to rescue the 2030 Agenda.  💚 The report also highlights the immense potential for success through strong political will and utilizing available technologies, resources, and knowledge. 🚀The Pacific is susceptible to the impacts of multiple crises. Still rich in diversity, culture, and resilience, the Pacific has a vital role in achieving the SDGs and creating a better future for ourselves and the world.

#SDGs, #Pacific, #2030Agenda, #RescuePlan, #IMSPARK

Thursday, February 8, 2024

📔IMSPARK: academic access and shared knowledge freely📔

📔Imagine...academic access and shared knowledge freely📔

💡 Imagined Endstate: 

A Pacific where researchers, educators, students, policymakers, and the public can access, use, and contribute to the latest research findings and innovations in the social sciences and humanities without barriers or costs.


Ref Here


Ernst, E., Schulte, J., & Töpfer, M. (2020). How to fill the information gap: Open Access for the social sciences and humanities. Septentrio Conference Series, (4).

💥 What's the Big Deal: 

This presentation by Schulte et al. (2020) provides practical guidance and resources for researchers to publish their work in open access. Access is not only about increasing the visibility of research, but it is also about promoting equity and addressing the knowledge gap. Open access makes scholarly publications available online for anyone to read, reuse, and share without any restrictions or fees. 🌐It benefits researchers by increasing their work's visibility, impact, and quality. It benefits society by advancing knowledge, fostering innovation, and promoting social justice.🚀 However, many social sciences and humanities researchers face challenges and lack of information about open access. 

In a Pacific context, Open Access can be seen as another venue for equity, where the commodity is knowledge. 📖Knowledge creates opportunities for innovation, social justice, and economic growth. By making research freely available to everyone, regardless of their location or socio-economic status, Open Access can help address the imbalance in the production and distribution of knowledge, particularly in the social sciences and humanities. 🙌The result of this access could lead to a more informed future, where everyone has equal access to the latest research findings and innovations and advocates for open access in their disciplines and institutions.

#OpenAccess, #GrayLiterature, #Pacific, #Knowledge, #IMSPARK,#equity,#academics, 


Wednesday, February 7, 2024

🌐IMSPARK: A Pacific Future with Inclusive Financial Systems🌐

🌐Imagine… A Pacific Future with Inclusive Financial Systems🌐

💡 Imagined Endstate: 

The Pacific region has successfully built an inclusive financial system that provides access and opportunity for all its residents, especially the low-income, unbanked, and underserved populations. The region has fostered a culture of innovation, trust, and leadership, where financial services and products are designed and delivered to meet the diverse and evolving needs of the people.


Ref Here


Wallace, M.,  Borġ, E., & Griffin, K.  (2023). Building an inclusive financial system: A global economic & social imperative for this decade. Aspen Institute. 


💥 What's the Big Deal: 

Wallace et. al (2023) report reveals that an inclusive financial system is essential for achieving global economic and social goals, such as reducing poverty, promoting equality, and enhancing resilience.🏦The report also identifies an inclusive financial system's key elements and challenges, such as access, affordability, quality, diversity, and regulation🚀The report proposes a framework and a roadmap for action to advance inclusive financial systems at the global, regional, and national levels.

 An inclusive financial system is a crucial opportunity for the Pacific region, as it can provide a reliable and nutritious source of protein for its growing population, especially in the face of climate change, overfishing, and marine pollution. 🌅The Pacific region can enhance its economic growth, social cohesion, and political stability by building an inclusive financial system.💸An inclusive financial system can also support the region's innovation, trust, and leadership, providing access to well-being and prosperity.

 #InclusiveFinancialSystem,#WealthEquity,#PacificDiversity,#Access,#Opportunity,#Innovation,#IMSPARK, #Unbanked, #low-income, #underserved,#RICEWEBB,

💼 IMSPARK: Financial Growth in the Pacific through BEA Support💼

💼 Imagine... Financial Growth in the Pacific through BEA Support💼 💡 Imagined Endstate :  A future where Pacific Island communities levera...