🚗Imagine... Transit-Oriented Development🚗
💡 Imagined Endstate:By 2030, Hawaii has transformed its urban landscape with transit-oriented development (TOD), creating vibrant, walkable, and affordable communities along the rail corridor.
🔗 Link:
📚 Source:
Cristobal, E. (2023, November 23). The promise of transit-oriented development: How Hong Kong and Singapore can inspire Hawaii’s plans. Hawaii News Now.
💥 What’s the Big Deal:
TOD is a strategic approach to urban planning that integrates public transportation, housing, and amenities within a compact area. TOD can offer multiple benefits for Hawaii, such as:
- 🌱 Reducing traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emissions by encouraging the use of rail and other modes of transportation besides driving.
- 🏡 Increasing housing supply and affordability by creating mixed-income and mixed-use developments near transit stations, with incentives for developers and residents.
- 🤝 Enhancing quality of life and social equity by providing access to jobs, education, health care, and recreation for people of all ages and backgrounds.
#HNN, #TransitOrientedDevelopemnt, #TOD, #Traffic, #Housing, #QOL,#IMSPARK,