🛰️Imagine...Pacific where space technologies enhance disaster resilience🛰️
Pacific countries and communities have the capacity and access to use space-based information and technologies to prevent, prepare, respond, and recover from natural hazards and disasters.
UN-SPIDER. (n.d.). Advisory support.
💥 What’s the Big Deal:
The Pacific region is highly exposed and vulnerable to various natural hazards and disasters, such as cyclones, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, and floods.🛡️Disasters have devastating impacts on lives, livelihoods, infrastructure, and ecosystems. 🌋UN-SPIDER’s advisory support aims to bridge the gap between disaster management and space communities and enable the effective use of space-based information and technologies for disaster risk management and emergency response. 🌊 By providing technical advisory missions, emergency support, recommended practices, and training activities, UN-SPIDER helps Pacific countries and communities harness the potential of space technologies to enhance their disaster resilience.
#IMSPARK, #UNSPIDER, #SpaceTechnology, #DisasterResilience, #PacificRegion,#RICEWEBB,