Showing posts with label #Youth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Youth. Show all posts

Friday, October 20, 2023

🧒🏽IMSPARK: Ensuring Behavioral Health for Pacific Youth🧒🏽


🧒🏽Imagine…Ensuring Behavioral Health for Pacific Youth🧒🏽

💡 Imagined Endstate:

Picture a Pacific region where every child, regardless of income, enjoys good mental health and emotional well-being.

📚 Source:

Henderson, J. (2023, October 16). Behavioral Health Concerns Common for Low-Income Kids. MedPage Today.

🔗 Link:

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💥 What's the Big Deal:

Many Pacific children from low-income backgrounds face early emotional and behavioral health challenges. 🌺The findings emphasize the urgency of investing in 💪 prevention and support for our youth. In the Pacific, a significant portion of underprivileged children struggle with emotional and behavioral health concerns from an early age. ✨This discovery underscores the critical need to prioritize prevention and comprehensive support systems for our region's youth. 🌼 It's about ensuring that every child, regardless of their economic circumstances, has the opportunity to grow up mentally resilient and emotionally well-equipped.



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