Showing posts with label #capacitybuilding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #capacitybuilding. Show all posts

Friday, December 29, 2023

🏘️IMSPARK: Community Wealth-Building Models for Economic and Social Justice 🏘️

 🏘️Imagine... Community Wealth-Building Models for Economic and Social Justice 🏘️

💡 Imagined Endstate: 

A society where people and communities have more control and ownership over their assets and resources, and where wealth is shared equitably and democratically.

🔗 Link: 

📚 Source: 

Theodos, B., Marx, R., & Nunna, T. (2023). Community Wealth-Building Models. Urban Institute. 

💥 What’s the Big Deal: 

This brief explores four innovative models that aim to expand asset ownership and community wealth building for individuals and institutions, especially those who have been historically excluded or marginalized by the mainstream economy. 🤝 models are community land trusts, limited equity cooperatives, social enterprises, and community development financial institutions. The brief describes how these models work, what benefits they offer, and what challenges they face. 🚀 brief also provides examples of successful projects that use these models in different contexts and sectors.🌳 The brief argues that these models can help create more inclusive and sustainable economic development, and empower people and communities to shape their own destiny.


Monday, November 27, 2023

🌐IMSPARK: AI Enhancing National Security and Economic Growth🌐

🌐Imagine... AI Enhancing National Security and Economic Growth🌐

💡 Imagined Endstate:

The U.S. government leverages AI to improve its defense capabilities, protect its citizens’ privacy, and foster innovation and competitiveness in the global market.

📚 Source:

White House. (2023, October 30). Executive order on the safe, secure, and trustworthy development and use of artificial intelligence. 

🔗 Link:

White House Brief

 💥 What's the Big Deal: 

AI is a powerful tool that can enhance the U.S. national security and economic growth, 📈but it also poses significant challenges and risks. The executive order establishes principles and guidelines🔍for the federal government to ensure the responsible and ethical use of AI, while promoting its development 🤝and adoption.

#AI,#capacitybuilding, #globalmarket,#Innovation,#risk,#IMSPARK, 

Saturday, November 25, 2023

🏦IMSPARK: How CRA Modernization Can Benefit Indigenous Communities🏦

🏦Imagine... How CRA Modernization Can Benefit Indigenous Communities🏦

💡 Imagined Endstate:

A more inclusive and responsive Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) that recognizes the unique challenges and opportunities of banking in Indian Country.

🔗 Link:

Link Here

📚 Source:

Center for Indian Country Development. (2022, January 11). CRA modernization and Indian Country: Banking agencies seek feedback on new rulemaking proposal. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. 

💥 What's the Big Deal: 

The CRA is a federal law that encourages banks to meet the credit needs of low- and moderate-income communities.🙋‍♂️ However, the current CRA framework does not adequately reflect the realities of banking in Indian Country, where many areas lack access to basic financial services. 💼 The proposed rulemaking aims to address this gap by clarifying how banks can earn CRA credit for activities in Indian Country, such as lending, investing, and providing financial education.  🏹This could potentially increase the availability and affordability of capital for Native communities and businesses, as well as foster stronger relationships between banks and tribal governments.


Monday, September 4, 2023

🎓 IMSPARK– INTRODUCING IMATRIX - Building the Capacity of the Pacific 🎓

🎓 IMAGINE – IMATRIX - Accessible Training Building the Capacity of the Pacific 🎓

 💡 Imagined Endstate: 

Bridging gaps in knowledge, skills, and preparedness in alignment with the mission of Imagine Pacific.

🚀 Purpose:

The primary purpose of IMATRIX is to empower communities across the Pacific region by providing where and when accessible and comprehensive training opportunities occur in critical areas that are crucial for their well-being, resilience, and progress.

🎯 Key Objectives:

·        Capacity Building: 🏗️ IMATRIX strives to build the capacity of individuals, organizations, and communities in disaster response, digital access, telehealth, and digital equity.

·        Community Resilience: 🌱 By imparting essential skills and knowledge, IMATRIX aims to enhance the resilience of Pacific communities, enabling them to better cope with disasters and crises.

·        Empowerment: 💪 IMATRIX empowers individuals to actively participate in the digital world, access quality healthcare, and contribute to their own and their community's development.

·        Inclusivity: 🌍 IMATRIX is committed to inclusivity, ensuring that training programs are accessible to diverse groups, including marginalized and remote populations.

·        Sustainability: 🌿 IMATRIX focuses on sustainable solutions that create a lasting positive impact on Pacific communities, fostering self-reliance and growth.

💥 What's the Big Deal:

IMATRIX collaborates with a network of organizations, including the University of Hawaii, Department of Health, FEMA, and other governmental and non-governmental entities, to achieve its vision of a Pacific region where communities are well-prepared, digitally connected, and equipped with the knowledge and skills to thrive in the face of challenges and opportunities in the modern world. 🤝


🎓 IMATRIX:Community Resilience - September 🎓

 🎓 IMATRIX - Upcoming September Community Resilience  Training 🎓








International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

Risks and Rewards of Generative AI in Cities Webinar, Sept 4

Explore the impact of generative AI on disaster prediction and management in Pacific cities. This webinar discusses how AI technologies can help anticipate and respond to crises like cyclones, volcanic eruptions, or flooding in the Pacific region. Date: Sept 4, 2023.



European Emergency Number Association (EENA)

Social Media and Public Safety: New Challenges and Opportunities Webinar, Sept 4

Learn about the crucial role of social media in disaster response across the Pacific. This webinar delves into the challenges and opportunities presented by social platforms during emergencies such as forest fires, droughts, or tropical storms in the Pacific region. Date: Sept 4, 2023.




Future of Global Health Initiatives Webinar, Sept 5

This webinar explores the future of global health initiatives, potentially impacting healthcare strategies and disaster preparedness in the Pacific region.



Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Climate Resilience of Millets Webinar, Sept 5

Discover strategies to enhance climate resilience in Pacific regions by focusing on the cultivation of millets. This webinar explores the role of millets in adapting to climate change and ensuring food security. Date: Sept 5, 2023.



International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC)

Conducting Relevant Employee Performance Reviews Webinar, Sept 6

This webinar focuses on the importance of conducting relevant employee performance reviews, which can be crucial in emergency response and public safety in the Pacific region.



Combat Antisemitism Movement

Video Games as Tools for Holocaust Education and Antisemitism Prevention Webinar, Sept 6

Explore the role of video games as educational tools for Holocaust awareness and antisemitism prevention in the Pacific region. Date: Sept 6, 2023.



United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM)

Beyond Remembering: An Atrocity Prevention Toolkit for Memory Spaces Webinar, Sept 6

This webinar provides insights into the prevention of atrocities and the preservation of memory spaces, topics relevant to the Pacific region's history and conflicts. Date: Sept 6, 2023.



The Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR)


Discover lessons from past disasters in the Pacific to safeguard historic buildings from fire hazards. This webinar provides insights into preserving cultural heritage during crises. Date: Sept 6, 2023.



Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Provider Ready Workshop: Preparedness for Older Adult Service Providers Webinar, Sept 6

This webinar addresses preparedness for older adult service providers, a significant aspect of disaster response and care in the Pacific region. Date: Sept 6, 2023.



United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)

Introduction to the Scorecard Action Guide: Prioritization of DRR Actions Webinar, Sept 6

This webinar introduces the Scorecard Action Guide for prioritizing disaster risk reduction actions, which is relevant for improving resilience in the Pacific region. Date: Sept 6, 2023.



Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

Cooling Tensions: Environmental Cooperation in the Gulf Webcast, Sept 6

This webcast explores environmental cooperation in the Gulf region, which can have implications for environmental security and stability in the Pacific. Date: Sept 6, 2023.



Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility in Exercise Guide Webinar, Sept 7

This webinar focuses on inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility in disaster response exercises, which are essential aspects of disaster preparedness in the Pacific region. Date: Sept 7, 2023.



World Heritage USA International Exchange Program

World Heritage USA International Exchange Intern Presentations Webinar, Sept 7

This webinar showcases international exchange intern presentations, which may include topics relevant to heritage preservation and conservation in the Pacific. Date: Sept 7, 2023.



National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO)

National Preparedness Month - Disability and Access and Functional Needs Webinar, Sept 7

This webinar addresses disability and access needs in disaster preparedness, which is essential for ensuring inclusivity and preparedness in the Pacific region. Date: Sept 7, 2023.




Leveraging Automation Bots to Expedite Humanitarian Relief in Ukraine Webinar, Sept 7

This webinar explores the use of automation bots for expediting humanitarian relief efforts, which can be relevant for disaster response in the Pacific region. Date: Sept 7, 2023.


🕊️ IMSPARK: Disaster Dignity and Remembrance🕊️

  🕊️ Imagine… Disaster Dignity and Remembrance 🕊️ 💡 Imagined Endstate : A future where Pacific communities are equipped with culturally s...