Showing posts with label #energytransition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #energytransition. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

🌎 IMSPARK: A Pacific Future Powered by Clean Energy🌎


🌎 Imagine… A Pacific Future Powered by Clean Energy🌎

💡 Imagined Endstate: 

The Pacific region has successfully transitioned to a low-carbon economy, using renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal to meet its growing energy needs. 



U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations. (2024). Further additional continuing appropriations act 2024 text.

💥 What’s the Big Deal: 

The Further Additional Continuing Appropriations and Other Extensions Act, 2024, provides funding for various energy and water programs,  🌊 including $2.2 billion for the Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. 🌞This funding supports research, development, and deployment of clean energy technologies that can benefit the Pacific region, such as solar photovoltaics, wind turbines, 💨hydroelectric dams, and geothermal plants.🔥 These technologies can help the Pacific region reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, diversify its energy sources, lower its energy costs, and create new jobs and industries.

#CleanEnergy, #Pacific, #RenewableEnergy, #ClimateAction,#energytransition,#IMSPARK,

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

🔋IMATRIX: The Future of Energy - Ways to Transition 🔋

🔋IMATRIX: The Future of Energy - Ways to Transition ðŸ”‹

 Ref: McKinsey and Company

Action AreasDescriptionWays to Achieve It (as per the article)How the Pacific is Affected
Designing and deploying a capital-efficient and affordable systemEfficient decarbonization planning; Cross-sectoral resource planning; Capital efficiency in energy sector spending; Empowering and educating customers to manage rates.- Plan investments for long-term decarbonization - Deploy capital more cost effectively - Empower and educate customers to manage rising ratesImproved energy affordability, potential for clean energy growth, reduced environmental impact.
Strengthening supply chainsSecure availability of raw materials; Scale up resilient manufacturing; Develop and acquire talent.- Secure long-term supply agreements for raw materials - Innovate to reduce material constraints - Invest in talent acquisition and developmentStable access to materials, potential for job creation, ensuring a resilient energy supply in the Pacific region.
Securing access to adequate landDeveloping land with strong potential for renewables efficiently; Improved solar and wind technology; Value sharing with communities.- Efficiently develop land for renewables - Improve technology efficiency to require less land - Share economic value with communitiesMore efficient use of available land, potential for renewable energy generation, increased local economic opportunities.
Reforming transmission developmentDiversification of transmission methods; Deploying DERs; Optimizing electric transmission; Transition to dispatchable zero-carbon resources.- Deploy DERs for local capacity - Optimize electric transmission with existing gas network - Transition to dispatchable zero-carbon resourcesEnhanced grid reliability, integration of renewables, ensuring energy access in remote Pacific areas.
Creating market mechanismsEstablish market mechanisms to ensure reliable and adequate clean-energy supply; Revise resource planning; Expand forecasting; Incentivize flexible power sources.- Revise resource planning for decarbonization - Expand forecasting to account for changing supply and demand - Provide incentives for flexible power sourcesEnsure power reliability, affordability, and sustainability in the Pacific region.
Accelerating technological innovationInvesting to reduce risk; Providing long-term market and regulatory clarity; Investing in shared infrastructure to scale up new clean technologies.- Invest in research and development for new technologies - Provide regulatory clarity and incentives - Invest in shared infrastructure for scaling up new technologiesAccess to cutting-edge technologies, sustainable energy solutions, job opportunities in innovative sectors.

👥IMSPARK: Hawai'i Prioritizing Civic Education 👥

👥Imagine... Hawai'i Prioritizing Civic Education 👥 💡 Imagined Endstate:  A Hawaii where civic education is prioritized, ensuring that...