Saturday, August 5, 2023

IMPRES (Imagine Pacific Presentations): United Nations Disability Inclusion Part 2

🌐 IMPRES: UNDIS Part 2: Bridging the Inclusion Gap πŸŒ (VIDEO)

In this episode of Imagine Pacific Presentations (IMPRES), we delve into the critical theme of "Applying the United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy." focusing on the Inclusion Gap.

🌍 The COFA Nations' Struggle: We shed light on the Compact of Free Association (COFA) nations, exemplifying countries in need of disability inclusion policies. Discover the aftermath of nuclear testing in the Bikini Atoll and the impact it had on the COFA citizens' health and economic disparities.

πŸ’” Addressing Disparities: Learn about the alarming health conditions faced by Micronesians in Hawaii, with high infant mortality and decreased life expectancy. Dive into the prevalence of malnutrition, diabetes, and barriers to equal opportunities, contributing to their marginalization.

πŸ“Š The Digital Equity Declaration: Uncover the sobering statistics of digital access in Hawaii, where a significant portion of households lacks internet subscriptions and computer ownership. We examine the implications of these gaps on various sectors.

πŸ₯ Impact on Health: Understand how digital access affects telemedicine and health services, and its significance in modern medical care.

πŸ’Ό The Changing Workforce: Explore how the digital economy is reshaping the job market and the challenges faced by those without digital access in participating fully.

πŸ“š Education and Training: Witness the transformative role of online education and training, especially during the COVID period, and the consequences of limited digital access on students' academic advancement.

πŸ’³ Commerce, Benefits & Advocacy: Discover how digital identities and access impact banking, benefits entitlement, and engagement with artificial intelligence, affecting trust and inclusion in the digital society.

πŸ™Œ Join us on this journey of understanding and advocating for a more inclusive digital society. 

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#ImaginePacific, #UNDIS,#Inclusion,#DigitalAccess,#DisabilitiesStudies,#DigitalDivide, #IMPRES,#HealthEquity,#WealthEquity,

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