🏠 Imagine... Free test and treatment of COVID-19 and flu at home🏠
💡 Imagined Endstate:
A Pacific where we can access free at-home rapid tests, telehealth sessions, and treatments for COVID-19 and flu without any barriers or costs and where we can prevent severe illness, hospitalization, or death from these viral infections.
U.S. National Institutes of Health. (2023). The home Test to Treat program extends nationwide.
💥 What’s the Big Deal:
COVID-19 and flu are both contagious respiratory diseases that can cause serious complications and death, especially for older people with underlying health conditions or immunocompromised. 🩺 The Home Test to Treat program is a federal initiative that offers free COVID-19 and flu health services to eligible participants nationwide, including those in the Pacific region. 🛡️The program provides at-home rapid tests, telehealth sessions, and at-home treatments, such as antiviral medications, for those who test positive. 💊 The program aims to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and flu in the community, expedite the time to treatment, and improve the convenience and safety of accessing health services from home.
#HomeTestToTreat #COVID19 #Flu #Pacific #IMSPARK