Showing posts with label #IMOA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #IMOA. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

IMOA: Global Standards for Disaster Risk Reduction: An Ethical Assessment of the Sendai Framework

(IMOA) Imagine Pacific Original Article 

Global Standards for Disaster Risk Reduction: An Ethical Assessment of the Sendai Framework 

By James E. Faumuina, MBA, MPA 

Editor, Imagine Pacific Pulse    



With no regulatory enforcement and held together by ethical agreements among nations, the Sendai Framework represents an accord made by the United Nations, serving as a global standard for disaster risk reduction (United Nations, 2015; Uchiyama et al., 2021; United Nations, 2023). This agreement establishes seven targets, including national-level compliance in building construction, to ensure safe and disaster-ready structures (United Nations, 2015).

Uchiyama et al. (2021) addressed the efficacy of this global agreement, noting that it needs to be prioritized, which has hindered the implementation of its objectives. A report on the progress of the previously agreed-upon Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) describes the Sendai Framework as faltering, with SDGs appearing in the “rear-view mirror” of countries that had once committed to supporting them (United Nations, 2023).

Considering ethical perspectives, which argue that anyone capable should contribute to society and themselves, Heres and Lasthuizen (2012) discuss the concepts of a moral person and moral manager. They emphasize that ethical leadership is demonstrated through action and interpersonal relations. In this context, conducting an ethical research project, as suggested by Harris (2022), could help address the shortcomings of nations in executing the Sendai Framework.

In an ideal world, such execution might be feasible. However, Eskelinen (2021) contends that the notion of a utopia regarding the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals contrasts with a reality where nations determine “what could be… and what is” (Eskelinen, 2021).

The dynamics of politics and social good, while not entirely opposed, create friction in setting global standards (Eskelinen, 2021; Uchiyama et al., 2021). Morality is assessed against resource constraints, reputation, and external pressures that necessitate completing projects on time and within budget (DePoy & Gitlin, 2020; Harris, 2022; Heres & Lasthuizen, 2012; LaFollette, 2000).

The United Nations and the global stage might benefit from academia’s use of principlism, as DePoy and Gitlin (2020) described. Principlism includes respect for individual rights, the intent to do the right thing, avoidance of harm, and fairness. Adopting principlism could lead to what Wallace and Sheldon (2015) refer to as Ethical Universalism, which, if achieved, could serve as the foundation for an ideal society. 


DePoy, E., & Gitlin, L. N. (2020). Introduction to Research (6th ed.). Elsevier Health Sciences.

Eskelinen, T. (2021). Interpreting the sustainable development goals through the perspectives of Utopia and governance. Forum for Development Studies, 48(2), 179–197.

Harris, S. R. (2022). How to Critique Journal Articles in the Social Sciences. SAGE Publications, Inc.

Heres, L., & Lasthuizen, K. (2012). What’s the difference? Ethical leadership in public, hybrid and private sector organizations. Journal of Change Management, 12(4), 441–466.

Uchiyama, C., Ismail, N., & Stevenson, L. A. (2021). Assessing contribution to the Sendai Framework: Case study of climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction projects across sectors in Asia-Pacific (2015–2020). Progress in Disaster Science, 12, 100195.

United Nations. (2015). Sendai Framework for disaster risk reduction 2015—2030.

United Nations. (2023). The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2023: Special Edition. United Nations.

Wallace, M., & Sheldon, N. (2015). Business research ethics: Participant observer perspectives. Journal of Business Ethics, 128(2), 267–277.

James is the owner of Imagine Pacific Enterprises and the Editor of Imagine Pacific Pulse (IMPULSE). He is a retired Lt Col, Hawaii Air National Guard. Former medical administrator, planner, program manager, and operations officer. Graduated from the USAF Air War College and is currently a Ph.D. student in the in Troy Global Leadership Program. He can be contacted at 

Saturday, July 6, 2024


(IMOA) Imagine Pacific Original Article 

Crescendo Clashing and Pacific Global Innovation 

By James E. Faumuina, MBA, MPA 

Editor, Imagine Pacific Pulse    


Perhaps it is time to question, "Does western reductivism of indigeneity clash with the regional innovation in Pacific Islands?"

Cumberland et al. (2016) referred in their literature review to using a cultural assimilation mechanism to predict clashing behaviors (p. 309). Although cultural awareness is approached, there is further opportunity to investigate the rationale behind the clashing cultures of global leaders.

Contrary to the assertion that individual capacity depends on basic skills acquired through human resource development (Cumberland et al., 2016), Mao et al. (2024) provide the context that regional culture also influences human capacity, contending that inherent capabilities born of the cultural regions, such as regional innovation, play a role in shaping “values, behaviors, norms, and regional identity” (p. 24).

Cumberland et al.'s (2016) view of culture faces challenges with the emphasis on individualism in Pacific culture (Tiatia-Seath et al., 2020), in addition to what Mao et al. (2024) provided as a necessary tenet of regional culture. Cumberland et al.'s reference to cross-cultural training as a low-contact activity underappreciates Pacific culture but also presents an opportunity to be enlightened. Here, Tiatia-Seath et al. illustrate another layer of regional culture with their use of the sense of place to describe communal identity (p. 402). Through the literature, the authors capture how Pacific Islanders' perspective of what Cumberland et al. espoused as culture may be considered colonialism by those who have undergone the experience of Western cultural assimilation (Tiatia-Seath et al., 2020). 

These literary inclusions provide a perspective that presents the value of regional culture and how it can influence an interpretation of how innovation is contextually interpreted. The literature would recommend starting with the paradigms from settling in what Pacific Indigenous people consider contested spaces; this is an appropriate venue to gauge the Western perception of indigeneity (Tiatia-Seath et al., 2020). They offer an initial critique of the West by providing literature that speaks to Western reductivism of Pacific culture and recognition of the encroachment of the contested space, the same space that Indigenous Pacific Islanders align with their genealogy. The oversight of Western culture to align what Tiatia-Seath et al. refer to as people and place is illustrated throughout the author’s literature.

Revisiting Cumberland et al.’s (2016) reference to culture as low contact provides insight into its perceived value. Further evidence of this reductionism is in the literature in Tiatia-Seath et al. (2020), where examples of overlooking the value of Pacific indigeneity are provided in mental health services and seen in how adaptation is being conveyed in the Pacific in contrast to what literature imbues as the Western framework.

The clash heard is a crescendo awakening in the Pacific. Innovation is here and has been for millennia. A sense of place, indigeneity, and cultural practice require assimilation; however, the direction is prime to change course from West to the Pacific, not the other way around, as global literature tendencies have been conditioned to lean.


Cumberland, D. M., Herd, A., Alagaraja, M., & Kerrick, S. A. (2016).
Assessment and development of global leadership competencies in the workplace: A review of literature. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 18(3), 301–317.

Tiatia-Seath, J., Tupou, T., & Fookes, I. (2020).
Climate Change, Mental Health, and Well-Being for Pacific Peoples: A Literature Review. The Contemporary Pacific, 32(2), 399-430.

Mao, L., Lu, C., Sun, G., & et al. (2024).
Regional culture and corporate finance: A literature review. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11(1), 59.

James is the owner of Imagine Pacific Enterprises and the Editor of Imagine Pacific Pulse (IMPULSE). He is a retired Lt Col, Hawaii Air National Guard. Former medical administrator, planner, program manager, and operations officer. Graduated from the USAF Air War College and is currently a Ph.D. student in the in Troy Global Leadership Program. He can be contacted at or

Friday, December 15, 2023

IMOA: Let's talk about leadership


(IMOA) Imagine Pacific Original Article 

Let's talk about leadership

By SMSgt. Jared Mina, EMT, B.Ed. 

Hawaii Air National Guard    


Let’s talk about leadership… What is “leadership?” The simple answer can be found in any Webster’s Dictionary such as… Definition #1 states “the office or position of a leader.” That doesn’t quite work for me. I think a better question would be “What does leadership look like?”

To help illustrate this, I will be talking about “The 5 Types of Leaders” 

as discussed by Mack and Ria Story (Story, 2021).

Type 1: Managerial Leader (Level 1)

A managerial leader is the least effective of the five types of leaders. They have the least influence. They see members as tools for their advancement. At the end of the day, it’s all about “Look at what I did,” regardless of their actual contributions. They tend to value the position more than the people. This leader can be appointed or perhaps they happen to be the last person available with the right credentials for the position (right place, right time).

Some Traits of the Type 1:

·   Character is weak.

·   Desire is “to be served” rather than “to serve.”

·   Strength comes from power, control, formal authority, and personal results.

·   “I follow because I have to…”

Type 2: Relational Leader (Level 2) 

This type of leader is more focused on people. They want to build relationships. People follow because of who they are rather than what they know (technical knowledge). Their weakness is not making/taking the time to develop their craft. Like the level 1 leader, this person can be at the right place at the right time. What differentiates them from the level 1 leader is the fact that they have taken an interest in the people and are willing to build relationships.

Some Traits of the Type 2:

·   Character is stronger.

·   Desire is to serve.

·   Values people more than the position.

·   Strength comes from relationships and moral authority.

·   “I follow because I like you…”

Type 3: Motivational Leader (Level 3) 

A motivational leader desires what’s best for both the people and the organization. People want to follow them because of who they are and what they know. They influence others from the outside. They are process-focused. These leaders have taken the time to learn/perfect their craft. This is where they begin to see the importance of building people up to their level (mentorship).

Some Traits of the Type 3:

·   Character is strong.

·   Desire is to serve.

·    Focus is on leading (influencing/releasing) people, managing processes, and getting results.

·   “I follow because you have moved me to…”

Type 4: Inspirational Leader (Level 4) 

An inspirational leader inspires managerial and relational leaders to become motivational leaders. Their focus is on growing themselves to inspire others to grow. They influence others on the inside. They are people-focused, not process-focused. These are who we would begin considering our “Subject Matter Experts (SME’s).” They have achieved a status where they are now mentoring Level 3 leaders towards becoming Level 4.

Some Traits of the Type 4:

·   Competency is highly developed and specialized.

·   Focus is on leading and developing Level 3 leaders.

·   Values people more than position.

·   Strength comes from relationships, moral authority, and the growth of others.

·   “I follow because I feel the need to…”

Type 5: Transformational Leader (Level 5) 

A transformational leader’s passion and purpose are to transform others. Their influence touches people in all industries and across multiple generations. They have put in the time and effort to better themselves (i.e. PME[1]) with the goal of bettering the organization. These are your SME’s! Besides making strategic and tactical decisions, their primary goal is to grow the organization, both in mission and personnel. More importantly, the Level 5 leader knows that this isn’t the end journey…it’s the beginning of a new adventure!

Some Traits of the Type 5:

·   Competency is highly developed and specialized.

·   Focus on leading influencing people and developing Level 3 and leaders.

·   Values people more than position.

·   Strength comes from relationships, moral authority, growth, and earn respect.

·   “I follow because I know I want to…”

So, what does all this mean? Here’s my interpretation utilizing two things that I truly enjoy, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) and Star Wars[2] movies!!!

At White Belt (Level 1), we have Jar Jar[3]… he did the minimum to get his white belt, show up. In the big picture, he took the hardest step in BJJ. Just stepping on the mat is a big deal. But, like a Level 1, you don’t know much but you are “higher” than someone that hasn’t stepped on the mat. Like all martial arts, you should be working towards your next level/belt. The same should apply to a leader. They shouldn’t just be satisfied by just “being there.” They should be working towards improving themselves. Some people never make it past this level.

At Blue Belt (Level 2), we have Wedge Antilles, Rebel X-Wing pilot, flew missions against both Death Stars. At this level, you’ve earned the respect of upper leadership but still have some Level 1 tendencies. You don’t magically become better once you get your BJJ blue belt. You still make some of the same mistakes you did as a white belt, but now you have some of the tools to fix them. It will require work and sacrifice, but you do have the potential to get to the next level. The same goes for a Level 2 leader; you know just enough to get by, people begin to like you, and if you put in the time and effort, you can move to Level 3. In BJJ, you know just enough to hurt yourself. But again, some people don’t make it past this level either.

At Purple Belt (Level 3), we have Han Solo, I’m pretty sure I don’t need to explain who he is. As I mentioned earlier, the biggest realization here is that it’s no longer just about you. In BJJ, if you receive your Purple Belt, you’ve already put in probably four or more years of training. Like a Level 3 leader, it’s time to start learning how to give back. For me, this is where I learned to be an instructor. The biggest lesson I learned here is that it’s not about who shows up to class today; it’s more about who wants to show up for class tomorrow! As a Level 3 leader, you should be motivating members to want to come back and continue to improve the organization not just today but tomorrow and the days following. At this point, most people are committed and have invested a lot into the art/organization and will most likely stay for the long haul.

At Brown Belt (Level 4) is Luke Skywalker. He’s best known for the re-emergence of the Jedi. You can see his growth throughout the movies, from a young boy on a farm to the leader of the new Jedi order. At this point, he is almost the SME for all things Jedi. Level 4 leaders are the same. They have put in lots of time and effort towards learning and perfecting their craft. This is where you mentor others to get to your level. You are considered the master who trains the apprentice in a “train the trainer” relationship. In addition to completing your tasks, you are also responsible for mentoring the Level 3 leaders towards becoming Level 4’s.

Our Black Belt (Level 5) on this list is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke’s mentor. There is no doubt that this character is an SME in the Jedi arts! Even after “dying,” he was still sharing his knowledge with Luke. Maybe not quite on that “share after dying” level, but a Level 5 leader is the same way. You’ve put in countless hours into the mission and organization that you are the SME! So now it is your responsibility to share that knowledge through mentorship of those below you as well as those outside the organization. Why outside? That’s how you expand your mission. That’s how innovation is born. Growth is a good thing. This is how you set your organization up for success so it will continue to grow without you.

But wait… there’s more... Why are there still two more belts[4]? Symbolically, they represent the fact that once you receive your Black Belt, that is not the end. Every Black Belt I’ve had the opportunity to train with or under has said it’s not the end…it’s a new beginning. I believe the same goes for leadership. Once you stop trying to better yourself or the organization you essentially start to destroy everything you’ve worked for. Just because you have a Black Belt doesn’t mean you don’t have the ability to display some White Belt tendencies. It’s climbing a mountain. Yes, you can move up, but you can easily slide down. The same goes for leadership. A Level 5 can perform like a Level 1, and in some cases potentially vice versa. Sometimes you make big moves, other times not so much. Sometimes you’ll need to retrace your steps or find a different path. Some people will just give up altogether. While others will continue to push no matter how hard the journey gets. In the end, it’s up to you.

So… What kind of leader do you want to be?

Senior Master Sergeant Jared Y. Mina, EMT, B.Ed. serves as the Detachment 1, HQ 154 Medical Group's Senior Enlisted Leader and augmentee to the Command Staff, HQ USPACAF. With a military career since 1996, he held roles from combat medic in Iraq to Health SME in the State Partnership Program in Indonesia and the Philippines. Born in Maui, he holds a Bachelor of Education from the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

Key Words: #IMOA, #LeadershipStyle, #5Types,#BJJ, #BrazilianJiuJitsu,#leadership, #character

Works Cited

Lucas, G. (Director). (1977). Star Wars [Motion Picture].

Lucas, G. (Director). (1999). Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. [Motion Picture].

Story, M. &. (2021, March 2). The 5 types of leaders. ATD. Retrieved from 

[1] PME stands for Professional Military Education; this is a requirement for airmen to progress in their professional careers.

[2] (Lucas, 1977)

[3] (Lucas, 1999)

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

🎥 IMOA - Imagine Pacific Original Article: (VIDEO)🎥 "Ending the Stigmatic Role of the National Guard: A Call for Change"

🎥 IMOA - Imagine Pacific Original Article: (VIDEO)🎥

 "Ending the Stigmatic Role of the National Guard: A Call for Change"


Experience the National Guard's transformation in a split-screen animation. Historical images seamlessly evolve into a contemporary force. It emphasizes key points, setting the stage for a compelling narrative.
📅 Evolution of the National Guard:

Depicting the National Guard's shift from a part-time reserve to a vibrant, dynamic force. Each era unfolds with representative imagery, narrating the Guard's evolution.
🦠The COVID-19 Pandemic:

The article portrays National Guard heroes in action during the pandemic - distributing vaccines, conducting tests, and aiding healthcare systems.
⚖️Challenges and Disparities:

Witness the disparities between active duty and National Guard benefits. Scales and side-by-side comparisons use animated elements to spotlight these differences clearly.
🔄Proposed Solutions:
Experience a paradigm shift advocating for reform of career status rules. Watch as positive change unfolds, echoing a brighter future for National Guard members.
🤝Conclusion and Call to Action:
The National Guard remains a ready and reliable operational force. A call to action is made with the need for change that will inevitably make the Guard more ready, reliable, and resilient. inevitably


Friday, November 3, 2023

IMOA: Ending the Stigmatic Role of the National Guard: A Call for Change



Imagine Pacific Original Article

"Ending the Stigmatic Role of the National Guard: A Call for Change"

By James E. Faumuina, MBA, MPA

Editor - Imagine Pacific Pulse


Abstract: This article presents a compelling argument for a paradigm shift in the perception and treatment of the National Guard. It advocates for the recognition of the National Guard as a steady-state operational force with equivalent daily requirements for response and operational readiness as the active duty, particularly in relation to its unique Title 32 mission. The argument highlights the disparity in treatment between National Guard members and active duty members in terms of retirement benefits. It points out that National Guard members engaged in full-time Title 32 missions, which are authorized by federal law, should be given the opportunity to accumulate retirement benefits in a manner similar to active duty members. The argument questions why certain National Guard positions are not considered for retirement benefits when they may involve less hazardous or non-direct defense-related tasks compared to active duty positions. It suggests that if there is enough funding to support retirement benefits for active duty members without extensive scrutiny, the same opportunity should be extended to National Guard members to encourage their long-term commitment to service. In analyzing the challenges posed by current career status regulations, the article contends that all service members who can reach 20 TAFMS (Total Active Federal Military Service) should be entitled to do so.

The National Guard has played an indispensable role in the United States military, evolving from a part-time strategic reserve to becoming a force that effectively addresses contemporary challenges. However, the prevailing perception of the National Guard as primarily a strategic reserve has created barriers that hinder its full potential and restrict opportunities for its members. This article argues for a fundamental shift in the perception of the National Guard and advocates for its recognition as an operational regular force. Furthermore, it proposes that Guardsmen should be entitled to retire, if eligible, with a 20-year active duty retirement. It prompts readers to consider why institutional safeguards and gatekeeping procedures prevent rather than enable Guardsmen from attaining this right.

The COVID-19 pandemic has served as a significant turning point, highlighting the invaluable contributions of the National Guard in responding to crises (NCLS, 2020). Guard members have been at the forefront, providing essential support in testing, vaccine distribution, and aiding overwhelmed healthcare systems. The nature of the Guard's capabilities has evolved beyond the traditional categorizations of part-time versus full-time service. Their vital role in protecting the nation's well-being renders these outdated perspectives obsolete, as enlistment in the National Guard is now solely based on voluntary means. Retaining highly skilled and qualified warriors has become a pressing concern for the military branches, as experienced leadership is a scarce and coveted resource. Therefore, the retention of human resources, including experienced Guard members, should be treated with the same importance as other resource conservation methods.

The National Guard's indispensability stems from the constitutional requirement for the separation of military and civilian affairs and the management of the state. Posse Comitatus, established to prevent the military from being used as a means of domestic political will, ensures that federal forces are forbidden from enacting domestically militarily unless federalization occurs. Governors serve as the de facto commanders-in-chief of their respective states at times of emergency. In the event of a state of emergency declaration by the Governor, the respective Guard Adjutant General serves as the State’s Commander General. (FEMA, 2017). Moreover, in the recent pandemic response, the National Guard played an integral role in executing this essential homeland defense mission, including protecting national borders, and critical infrastructure, and responding to emergencies and disasters as they are mandated to do by regulation (DODI, 2017). Consistently over the years, these responsibilities have demanded continuous readiness and immediate response capabilities, necessitating the recognition of the National Guard as a force with a capacity that requires its Guardsmen to perform active duty far beyond the set 2 weeks a year, 14 days a year known as the required commitment edict for the reserve forces of the military.

Title 32 missions, authorized by federal law, grant the National Guard the authority to undertake specific continuous missions, such as cyber defense, counter-drug operations, and disaster response (U.S. Department of Defense, 2020). These missions often require full-time engagement and specialized skills that only the National Guard can provide. Guard members who are fortunate enough to attain one of the few treasured active duty positions under the Active/Guard and Reserve (AGR) program are granted equivalent privileges as the active duty uniformed members serving under Title-10 (federal) status.

There is a robust operational mission being conducted by the National Guard actively every day. However, underneath this vested importance is a conventional logic limiting Guardsmen that needs to be challenged. The Guard encompasses any and every AFSC/MOS (Air Force Specialty Code/Military Occupational Specialty) as active duty. In contrast, there are unique missions in the Guard that require niche units like the CERFP. As it stands today, not every Guardsman in these programs can attain a 20-year retirement unless they are in the AGR program. It is unjust that every Active Duty member can attain 20 years of service, regardless of whether their jobs involve hazards or direct defense of the homeland, while Guardsmen, specifically in programs like the CERFP, are being forced to cut their orders when they approach the cut-line of 18 years, at which time they would be entitled to receive a 20-year retirement.  

It is a fruitless and dangerous debate to compare positions based on perceived importance, and that is not the intent of this argument. A more productive rationale would be to consider how the active duty finds it sufficient, without any need for justification, for every position to warrant retirement without scrutiny. If there is no issue with granting this privilege to Active Duty members, then why can't Guardsmen, with the caveat they can attain 20 years of active duty, enjoy the same benefit? What is the harm in a Guardsman piecing together their Active Duty service in order to reach a 20-year Active Duty retirement?

It all revolves around the concept of “sanctuary” and how it is used as a tool to hinder Guardsmen from attaining the same rights and privileges that every active duty member has in obtaining an active duty retirement. As mentioned earlier with the CERFP, a preventative practice being conducted is the curtailment of orders based on proximity to 20 TAFMS (Total Active Federal Military Service) when they get close to sanctuary, essentially preventing them from ever attaining the coveted 20 year active duty retirement. (U.S. Department of Defense, 2019). This practice of creating barriers to attaining 20TAMFS restricts Guard members from attaining career status and the associated benefits.

By enabling Guardsmen to reach 20 TAFMS, regardless of their part-time or full-time status, and based on mission requirements and resource availability, we can effectively address and alleviate the challenges and inequities they face. This proposed change to the career status rules not only addresses the inherent injustices within the system but also enhances the operational readiness of the National Guard. This paradigm shift also aligns with the evolving nature of military operations and the need for flexible and integrated forces to tackle contemporary challenges. Recognizing the full-time commitment of Guard members will go a long way in ensuring they have access to the necessary resources, support, and career opportunities, enabling them to maintain the highest levels of readiness and effectiveness.

In conclusion, the time has come for a transformative shift in the way we perceive and treat the National Guard. The Guard, once considered a strategic reserve, has proven itself to be an indispensable force in our modern world. The COVID-19 pandemic and the tragic wildfires in Maui have demonstrated the vital role Guard members play in safeguarding our nation's well-being and security. They are no longer simply part-time soldiers but dedicated professionals, ready to respond to crises at a moment's notice.

This article has attempted to make a case for recognizing the National Guard as an operational regular force. It argues that Guardsmen, engaged in full-time Title 32 missions, should have the opportunity to accumulate retirement benefits, just like their active-duty counterparts. It questions why certain Guard positions are denied retirement benefits, even when their roles may be less hazardous or defense-related than active-duty positions.

The solution is simple: we must reform the career status rules to allow Guardsmen, based on mission requirements, to reach the 20-year active-duty retirement threshold. This change addresses not only the inherent injustices within the system but also enhances the National Guard's operational readiness. Again and again, the National Guard has served as a linchpin of our national security and community resilience. It goes without saying that they deserve the same rights and privileges as their active-duty counterparts. This paradigm shift will not only ensure the Guard's long-term commitment to service but also provide the necessary support and resources to maintain the highest levels of readiness.

The time has come to recognize and invest properly in the Guard's proven value and unwavering reliability. This is not just a call for change; it's a call to acknowledge the unwavering commitment and sacrifices made by citizen soldiers who take on the mantle of Guardsmen. To ensure a strong, agile, and effective National Guard that is prepared to meet today's demands, and those that will be even more demanding in the future, a radical systems revision is needed and unabashedly long overdue.

James is the owner of Imagine Pacific Enterprises and the Editor of Imagine Pacific Pulse (IMPULSE). He is a retired Lt Col, Hawaii Air National Guard. Former medical administrator, planner, program manager, and operations officer. Graduated from the USAF Air War College and is a graduate student at the University of Hawaii studying Disabilities Studies and Diversity. He can be contacted at 

Keywords:#NationalGuard, #paradigmshift, #recognition, #operationalforce, #Title32,#COVID-19,# pandemic,#careerstatus,# homelanddefense,#20-yearretirement,#equity,#readiness,#citizensoldiers,# systemschange,#IMOA,


NCLS. (2020). National Guard Response to COVID-19. Retrieved from [insert URL]

U.S. Department of Defense. (2019). ANGI36-101, Air National Guard Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Program. Retrieved from [insert URL]

U.S. Department of Defense. (2020). U.S. Code Title 32, Chapter 1 - Organization. Retrieved from [insert URL]


(2) Defense Support to Civil Authorities (DSCA)

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

IMOA: Housing... A Fantasy in Paradise


(IMOA) Imagine Pacific Original Article 

Housing... A Fantasy in Paradise

By James E. Faumuina, MBA, MPA

Editor Imagine Pacific Pulse    


The cost of living in Hawaii is perennially one of the highest in comparison to the national average. This high cost of living can be attributed to various factors, but the foremost cause is housing. According to the most recent income statistics from the US Census Bureau, the median household income in Hawaii is $88,005(1) based on 2021 inflation-adjusted dollars. Though it is a significant amount of money, it is not sufficient to remedy the cost of housing. Despite having a higher income compared to the national average, many residents still struggle to find affordable housing options within their budget. The relatively high housing costs in Hawaii create a significant financial burden for households, even with an income that is above the national median.

A report titled “ALICE: A Study of Financial Hardship in Hawaii (2)” found a family of four in Hawaii needed a household income of more than $72,000(3), to afford basics like food, clothing, transportation, health care, and shelter. It identified families with income below this amount as “asset limited, income constrained, employed,” or ALICE, and an estimated 48% of people in Hawaii were living below the threshold. This situation leads to some residents being compelled to share their housing with other families in order to meet the financial demands of subsistence.

Housing challenges are the largest burden for residents and have a profound impact on the well-being and economic stability of residents in Hawaii. Affordability and overcrowding persist, making it increasingly difficult for individuals and families to secure adequate housing. The disparity between high housing costs and income levels contributes to the housing crisis faced by many residents, exacerbating the already challenging economic landscape.

The proposed rule on Fair Lending, Fair Housing, and Equitable Housing Finance(4) Plans by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) exemplifies policy progress aimed at addressing the housing challenges that affect all states including Hawaii. This rule has garnered support from organizations such as Prosperity Now(5), a nonprofit economic advocacy entity, as they believe it will play a pivotal role in narrowing the racial wealth divide and fostering equitable housing opportunities.

The primary objective of this proposed rule is to formalize fair lending practices and bolster the oversight functions of the FHFA. It advocates for the Banks to adhere to a framework that promotes equitable housing finance. The letter underscores the critical importance of creating an equitable housing ecosystem that addresses the needs of low-income families and marginalized communities. As the state looks at the locus of control internally with Governor Green's new housing initiatives(6), in tandem new housing rules could be just in time assistance needed in order to get his plans over the finish line.

Addressing this crisis requires comprehensive efforts to increase affordable housing options, improve income levels, and promote economic opportunities for residents of Hawaii. It will be crucial to implement policies and programs that alleviate the burden of housing costs and foster a more equitable housing ecosystem. By prioritizing affordable housing initiatives and investing in the economic advancement of its residents, steps can be taken to mitigate the hardships caused by the high cost of living and create a more sustainable and inclusive community. Regardless, it goes without saying that something needs to be done now, as prices continue to rise and the reality of home for many in Hawaii is becoming more and more fantasy in paradise.

James is the owner of Imagine Pacific Enterprises and the Editor of Imagine Pacific Pulse (IMPULSE). He is a retired Lt Col, Hawaii Air National Guard. Former medical administrator, planner, program manager, and operations officer. Graduated from the USAF Air War College and is a graduate student at the University of Hawaii studying Disabilities Studies and Diversity. He can be contacted at 

Keywords#AffordableHousing, #HousingCrisis,  #FHFA, #InclusiveLiving #CostOfLiving, #HawaiiHousing,#IMOA, #FantasyInParadise,


  1. Income By Zip Code. (n.d.). Hawaii Income by Zip Code. Retrieved from
  2. United Way. (2017). United Way ALICE Report - Hawaii.
  3. Civil Beat. (2020, January). Report: Two-thirds of Hawaii Residents Struggle Financially. Retrieved from
  4. Federal Housing Finance Agency. (2023, June 26). Fair Lending, Fair Housing, and Equitable Housing Finance Plans. 12 CFR Part 1293, RIN 2590-AB29. Notice of proposed rulemaking.
  5. Prosperity Now. (2023, June 26). Letter to Clinton Jones, General Counsel, Federal Housing Finance Agency. Retrieved from
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Monday, July 24, 2023

IMOA: SPP and COFA, Match Made in the Pacific

(IMOA) Imagine Pacific Original Article 

SPP and COFA, Match Made in the Pacific

By Lt. Col. Marlon Rimando, MD

Hawaii Air National Guard

Imagine Pacific Pulse    7/24/2023

In recognition of its 30th anniversary, it’s fitting that the United States Department of Defense's State Partnership Program (SPP) is poised more than ever to conduct capacity-building and empowering engagements in the Pacific (United States Department of Defense, n.d.)[1]. One such area where this could occur is between the National Guard and the Compact of Free Association (COFA) nations, including the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau. In fostering relationships and promoting security cooperation, the SPP can play a pivotal role in addressing the unique challenges faced by these Pacific island nations.

One of the primary interests in the region is the increasing influence of near-peer competitor nations (Asian Bureau of Research, 2017)[2]. As they expand their economic and diplomatic ties with the COFA nations, it becomes essential for the United States to prioritize its engagement with these countries. The SPP's efforts in building partnerships can serve as a strategic counterbalance to their growing influence and help ensure the long-term stability and development of the COFA nations.

Climate change is another pressing issue that profoundly affects the COFA nations. Rising sea levels, coastal erosion, and environmental degradation pose significant threats to these vulnerable island states (Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, 2022)[3]. The SPP's focus on environmental protection and sustainability can facilitate knowledge sharing and technical assistance in climate resilience and resource management, empowering the COFA nations to tackle climate-related challenges more effectively.

Moreover, the COFA nations' economic status could benefit from international support and cooperation. Through the SPP, U.S. states can provide expertise and resources in areas such as disaster response, healthcare, education, and economic development (Garamone, 2023)[4]. Working together by utilizing apparatus such as the SPP program, the COFA nations can access critical support to address their economic vulnerabilities and foster stronger, more resilient communities.

Furthermore, the SPP's emphasis on global health engagement offers significant potential for the COFA nations. The National Guard's experience in responding to public health emergencies can be leveraged to help Micronesia prepare for and respond to health crises, enhancing its capacity to address health challenges effectively (Brewington, Kokame, & Lewis, 2021)[5]. A study by the East-West Center showed that Micronesians had significantly worse Severity of Illness (SOI) for various health-related hospitalizations, emphasizing the need for support to address disparities (Hagiwara, 2016)[6]. Here is a perfect example where a program like the SPP could and should make a difference.

In conclusion, the State Partnership Program holds immense promise as a platform for building resilience in the COFA nations and promoting lasting relationships between U.S. states and these Pacific allies. Coincidently, the benefit is mutual with development capacity in COFA nations and preventative measures in the United States, as the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights reported more than $1 billion in costs associated with providing service to Micronesians for Hawaii and adjoining Pacific U.S. Territories (Rights, 2019)[7]. As the region faces growing geopolitical competition and climate change impacts, the SPP's role in fostering enduring partnerships takes on even greater significance. Strengthening ties and promoting shared goals, the SPP can contribute to a more comprehensive and coordinated U.S. approach in the Pacific, ensuring long-term sustainability and development in the region.

Lt Col Rimando is a graduate of the USAF Air War College and served on numerous State Partnership Program and Global Health Engagements with PACAF, the Hawaii Air National Guard, and the Hawaii National Guard. He is a Flight Surgeon, currently serving as the HING Task Force CBRNE Surgeon for the CERFP. He also works as a MEB Physician with Tripler Army Medical Center.

[1] United States Department of Defense. (n.d.). State Partnership Program.

[2]  National Bureau of Asian Research. (2017). China's Belt and Road Initiative in the Pacific Islands: Assessment of key economic issues and priorities.

[3] Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat. (2020). Communiqué of the 51st Pacific Islands Forum.

[4] Garamone, J. (July 19, 2023). Milley Touts Successes of Guard's State Partnership Program. DOD News.

[5] Brewington, L., Kokame, K., & Lewis, N. (2021). A Changing Climate and Its Implications for Health and Migration in the Pacific: Examples from the Marshall Islands. East-West Center.

[6] Hagiwara, M. K. (2016). Health disparities among Micronesians in Hawaii. Hawaii Journal of Medicine & Public Health, 75(11), 325-329.

[7] United States Commission on Civil Rights. (2019). Separate and Unequal: Federal Protections and Enforcement in the Federated States of Micronesia and the Republic of Palau.


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